Monday, November 28, 2011

Join CDC & Dr. Buckeridge following the ISDS Meeting - Registration information enclosed

Frontiers of Public Health Informatics presents:
“Evaluating surveillance and public health interventions in a SnAP”
David L. Buckeridge, MD PhD FRCPC
December 9, 2011
11:00-12:00 EST
CDC Roybal Campus
Distance Learning Auditorium

Register via this link: 

There is an increasing demand to measure the impact of surveillance enhancements and public health interventions on outcomes. Direct measurement is difficult and can be performed only after surveillance systems are changed or interventions are implemented. The Simulation Analysis Platform (SnAP) was developed to measure the effect of public health innovations on outcomes. SnAP models uncertainty explicitly to allow researchers and decision-makers to estimate how surveillance enhancements and interventions are likely to affect health and economic outcomes.

David Buckeridge is an Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at McGill University in Montreal where he holds a Canada Research Chair in Public Health Informatics and directs the Surveillance Lab. He is also a Medical Consultant to the Montreal Public Health Department and the President of the International Society for Disease Surveillance. His research focuses on the informatics of public health surveillance and disease control. Dr Buckeridge has consulted on surveillance to groups such as the Institute of Medicine, the US and Chinese Centers for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization. He has a M.D. from Queen's University, a M.Sc. in Epidemiology from the University of Toronto, and a Ph.D. in Biomedical informatics from Stanford University. Dr Buckeridge is also a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada with specialty training in Public Health and Preventive Medicine.

The Frontiers of Public Health Informatics Seminar is a platform for continued learning about public health informatics science. Join your colleagues to listen to renowned scientists who have demonstrated research and applications of informatics science to improve public health.

Register above for Webinar and Teleconference Information / Available CDC-wide on IPTV

Public Health Informatics and Technology Program Office
Office of Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Point of Contact:    Rick Jones -